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Finding Foreclosures

There are many different ways and means of finding foreclosed properties in your area. Consider partnering with a real estate agent who has experience in the foreclosure market that interests you. Another way to find them is simply by walking or driving around the neighborhood. Look for signs that state Foreclosure, Bank Repo, or Bank Owned.

Since many banks now own foreclosure properties, you can find them online at lenders’ sites. Try the Bank of America or Countrywide sites for listings near you. Asset management companies also trade in foreclosure properties, so check sites such as Keystone Asset Management.

Government agencies can also help you find foreclosure properties. HUD (The Housing and Urban Development Department) owns a number of foreclosure properties. The Department of The Treasury offers homes that have been repossessed by the IRS (Internal Revenue Service).

Enter your Zipcode or Cty & State to see foreclosure listings

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Carmel Dr
3BD, 2.5BA
Powers Ave.
4BD, 2.5BA
Pearl St.
3BD, 2BA
Springs Rd
4BD, 3BA,
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